Artwork Page 1

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Hello, this is the Artwork of Me, drawn by me, and everything else done by me unless it says so...

I aint so good an artist when it comes to furrys, but i think i have grasped the human form...(or the muscle group's at least)

Any way, take a look and browse if you want, and if you would like me to a pic for you..just email me at and ill rustle you one up...

*smiles* That reminds me, food....

Also, sorry if this page takes ages to load, but sorry, just have to wait...

A concept Sketch of me, Max Lion

This pic was drawn with just an ordinary pencil. I say its a pic, but its more concept ideas...

It only took me five min on a really rainy day in school when i had no lessons...

Come to think about it, i dont think ive ever used anything but pencils....

Also, i would like to ask any budding colourers out there, that have any idea how to colour better than me...(that includes 3 year olds) If they would like to colour some of my work for me in return for a pic for them? Any body, just email me...

A fillu finished, except colouring, Pic of me Max Lion

A pic of my character, Max Lion climbing to the top of a very high, rocky area, somewhere, out there...

I like it but i dont, its kind of a Artist thing, where we dont like our own work...

I dont know...

Also, once again, can any one maybe brief me on using another media to draw with, other than my beloved pencil, and if so, oce again, can you email me? much obliged...

A concept sketch, once again....
Hmm, this one is a little diffrent to the rest, taking much more of my time up and also a lot of frantic doodling while in my very boring A level IT class, learning about Relation Databases or something...